Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I guess the acronym SNAFU applies to this recovery.  For the past few days John's CMV numbers have gone down and up.  They're recently up; He's on a new med twice a day instead of once and we're waiting for the most recent results.  The weight has gone up and down.  Today it has improved from 157 to breaking the 160 mark.  The nurses say it will continue to swing as a result of water loss and gain which is due to a couple of the meds John is on.  Mood has varied from up and very up to low and pretty low.  It is a testimony to John that his ebullient moods are marked by the plans he is making for what he can do for everyone else when he is better and that during his sad times he is most concerned about the plans for others he has not been able to accomplish yet.  The steroids are responsible for the mood swings and as they are reduced, he is feeling more level.

Physical therapy has been added to the list of acivities to help him improve and maintain physical conditioning.  Appetite has been consistently ravenous the last several days; we look forward to sharing good times and good food with all of you once the recovery and fattening up continue at home :)

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