Monday, March 25, 2013


Spring is coming in like a little lion in Phila this morning. Some wet snow and rain mix here; looks like it will be a grey day with improving weather for the rest of the week. That might be a metaphor for John. He had a bit of a grey day yesterday with elevated (but not dangerously high) heart rate, blood pressure, and respirations. He had a more restful night which will hopefully continue with improvements for the rest of the week. For now, rethestatus of John's pneumonia, ventilator and dialysis remain pretty much status quo. He has made significant progress in several areas. The rash is gone; the CMV numbers are down; he doesn't need pressors to help him maintain his blood pressure; his temperatures are normal; he is awake and can follow simple command and answer yes/no questions; he isn't getting as many fluids so his edema can begin to improve. There are no worsening issues now; that alone is good news. Today a third lumen may be added to John's picc line; that will make it easier for him to get all his meds and blood products. Possibly a bronchoscopy will be scheduled to check for anything new that may be growing. From John to all his gardening friends out there, enjoy the onion snow today.

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