Tuesday, November 13, 2012

11/12-the good, the bad and the ugly

The good is that John's cough from the mucositis is finally slowing down and he is getting a little bit of relief.  Still haven't achieved the goal of an undisturbed night of sleep in a prone position but that at least seems to be a direction he is moving towards now.

The bad is that his temp was high enough tonight that the doctors readmitted him to the hospital.  Most of you know how much Mrs. Honey Badger loves to drive... and merge... on long trips...on highways...at high speeds,,, late at night... in the dark.   John's gentle and persistent passenger seat driving and strong tea got us here just fine.

He will be getting a chest x-ray, nose swab and lots of blood tests to try to identify why the temp is elevated.  All we know right now is that his temperature IS still elevated (100.7) and so is the potassium level.  Right now treatment is a bag of saline with lasix.  Waiting to hear the results of the other tests.

The ugly is today's weather; it's grey, rainy and cold in Philadelphia which is, perhaps, just as things should be in November.  Time for all honey badgers to be curled up in their home burrows. 

1 comment:

  1. The weather in the picture of you two in this blog is also gray, but it still streams out love and warmth. Same with you. Sorry you have to deal with so many bumps in the road to John's recovery, and so sad that he has to feel so crummy. Hope the latest tests rendered best possible news. Thinking of you and sending love from Switzerland!! xo
