Monday, March 4, 2013


John's doctors were able to perform the bronchoscopy yesterday (Sunday) afternoon.  John held up really well and the doctors were able to get several good samples and washes.  Within about 2 days we should know if anything is growing and whether a specific organism can be identified so keep your fingers crossed and your prayers coming.

John's blood pressure is fluctuating a bit after the bronchoscopy; he is maintaining pretty well without meds but will receive a little extra fluid which should stay in the blood vessels to help increase his pressure a bit without adding much to his edema.  The low blood pressure means not as much oxygen is delivered to his organs as should be so it is important to correct that as soon as possible.  John has had several EKG's and echo cardiograms which have all been good.

The nurses have been able to pull off about a liter of fluid earlier today and that should help with John's swelling and sore skin.  There will be a consult later today with a wound care nurse who may have some good ideas to help the skin not break down and to heal any sores he already has.  And, he did get his air mattress last night so that will help too.

The CMV numbers are down 90% to almost undetectable.  This is great news.

A nice surprise, one of John's great nurses from the bone marrow transplant floor is training in the ICU this week and is one of John's nurses today.  He does remember her.  He has been able to communicate a fair amount by nodding and shaking his head in response to questions and by facial expressions.

John is in a full out marathon of treatment and keeps climbing one big hill after another; amazing endurance and so much stronger than the average bear.

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