Thursday, April 11, 2013


John is responding well to the antibiotics and increased steroids. He is a lot more awake, using a little less oxygen from the ventilator to keep his blood saturated, and needs slightly less pressor. Yesterday, the pressor was changed from levofed to phenylephrine because John had an episode of rapid heart beats. Levofed can be associated with cardiac abnormalities; phenylephrine isn't. These are very small improvements which may depend on the continued effectiveness of the antibiotic. If the pseudomonas becomes resistant to the antibiotic, these improvements may not last; and continual use of the antibiotic is very likely to cause the pseudomonas to become resistant. Thank you to everyone who is doubling down on the prayers, good wishes, cards, messages and long distance hugs; we deliver them all to John and he loves every single one of them. One of our treatment goals is to be able to talk with John. Respiratory and Speech have some ideas on how we might be able to accomplish this. John is still working hard to tell us important things and we are still struggling to understand. John had a great time with our sons for the last couple days. Seth has been in and is able to collaborate a bit with the doctors, nurses, techs and specialties on some ideas to help John. Michael sent a cd of many of John's favorite songs with a great cover picture from healthier times. It was a visual and auditory special gift. Zacc was up from Baltimore and had the excellent idea of putting John's glasses on him. John is enjoying being able to see better. We're hopeful for a time when those of you who would like to visit will be able to.

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