Monday, October 29, 2012


All of your good thoughts, prayers, positive energy (and Michael's and Zacchary's stem cells) are working; John's white blood cell count today is 4.1 and the neutrophil count is over 1.0  A new wrinkle and possible complication is an ambiguous result on a chest x-ray; a cat scan is being ordered to determine if John has developed a fungal infection or possibly aspirated some Boost or water.

If (and that's a very big "if ") John's neutrophil count remains at 1.0 or higher, if the fluid retention problem disappears, if he can drink enough to stay hydrated without IV fluids, if PT confirms that John can walk and do stairs and if the chest x-ray/cat scan do not reveal any new problems, John could be discharged as early as this weekend.  That's an absolute best case scenario but if not this weekend, then soon.

John has managed storm preparations from afar.  He planned Operation Generator with Kevin Pletz - the best electrician in PA - which was delivered and set up last night (thanks again, Kevin!) and has generated a long to-do list of tasks for me to complete prior to the storm.  Happy to report that the missions have been accomplished.  We are as ready as we can be to ride out these literal and figurative storms.  Thank you for your continuing support and please continue prayers and good thoughts that there is no fungal infection.

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