Saturday morning was when we started injecting ourselves. Zacc's style is all GQ: unzip his stylish sweater and just go for it. Mine is to get in the recliner, take off the shirt, pinch my skin way too hard, and then try and build up the nerve to stick myself. It's really not too bad. And, now that I've had some practice, I can say we both barely feel a thing.
The main side effect is aching bones but we've been taking our Claritin and Tylenol and so far feel just fine. But, I'm wondering about some enhanced strength issues. Zacc and I were throwing a frisbee Saturday night. Yes, it had a split in its center but the edges were still intact. I went for my patented behind the back throw and tore the frisbee in half as one piece hit the ground and seconds later the other fluttered back to earth.
Anyway, by the time we return to TJH on Tuesday morning, our bloodstreams should be swimming with stem cells, some of which have a bright future as Dad's new immune system.
Leave it to you guys to make a cancer blog hilarious! I especially liked "Zacc the human camel." Wish we were all there to hold your hands...thinking of you and missing you. Love you!