Tuesday, January 22, 2013


All of John's blood counts are slightly improved; still not normal but moving in that direction.  His rash is very much under control; the prednisone and photopheresis treatments seem to be working.  One complication is low sodium and slightly elevated potassium.  The treatment (as predicted by our favorite ER doc) is eating salt tablets and adding extra salt to food.  If I could only give him a transfusion, his sodium count would be just fine as those of you who know me well know that salt is a food group for me.  That's not a possibility so we will depend on the flavored salts (thanks, Kenza!) and the crunchy salt (thanks, kids!) we got for Christmas.  John is supposed to avoid potassium rich foods like bananas, oranges, tomatoes and potatoes (that last not music to a Dutchman's ears...)

We had a very invigorating weekend with visits from my brother and sister - Harry and Terry - and good friends Danny, Carla and Sue.  Thanks all for the visit and Sue for the spicy black bean soup.  Many thanks also to Gloria and all of her specialty goodies.  We look forward to seeing visitors when the flu season subsides and as you have time.  John is really beginning to feel better and is doing more every day.  He should be up to walks in the spring.  In the meantime, be careful in the cold weather and the upcoming winter storm!

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